Clear skin? This is How
What it is: Let me back up and explain what Curology is for those who don’t know. Curology is an online dermatologist, so to speak. They focus on two things: acne (of all all different kinds) and anti-aging. They do not engage in any other type of skin care or skin problems.
How it works: You go to their website (curology.com) and start your free trial. You will get your first one-month bottle for free from Curology; you just need to pay $5 for shipping. Basically what they do is have a provider (they don’t explicitly state it’s a dermatologist but it should be a physician of some sort) on staff review your skin, look at the pictures and the information you have sent them and then prescribe a custom-made formula for you and send it your way.
They have six main active ingredients that they switch up depending on your skins and concerns. Your bottle will have 3 main active ingredients that target you specific issues. Once you get your formula you have unlimited access to a dermatologist’s assistant to ask them any sorts of questions or express any concerns.
My Experience:
I have very oily skin-it’s not too sensitive- but it’s pretty oily and I like it that way.
Although natural oils hydrate, they also seem to make my pores rebel, unleashing nasty pimple hordes that I am urged to despotically pop. Behold the product of my purges:
Scabs for days…which would only subside into lingering dark spots.
Of course like most people with my dilemma I tried an assortment of various concoctions. A particular product- Acne Free- stands out amongst the many as it did help my spots and breakouts…with the caveats of bleaching my towels and a tedious 3-step process. I’ll admit- I was desperate, but also lazy and the 3 step process was just too complicated (and often I’d run out of cream in between steps anyhow).
So one day I was scrolling through Instagram in search of my next miracle cure and happened upon this Curology site. New Instagram company? Online skin care doctor (hello FDA)? Sounds sketchy enough to maybe be promising (Laugh Out Loud). So after a little bit of googling and not happening upon any horror stories of facial disfigurement, I took the plunge. And I am glad I did!
I have been using Curology since July 29th, 2017. So it’s been about a year. And my skin looks great! I don’t get puss filled pimples anyone (very, very rarely). I am very satisfied by this product. I have changed my formula twice now to continue to improve my results. After I stopped getting the puss filled pimples, decided to go after the blackheads. So the provider bumped up the Azelaic acid in initial formula. It cleared up a lot of the blackheads I had (not 100% but a decent amount). About a month ago I asked the provider to switch my formula again to target aging. This included a formula with Tretinoin, a prescription retinoid and one of their key active ingredients. So far I think its working but I have been trying to take it easy and use it every other night or every two nights. My skin is currently peeling a bit due to the formula so we shall see how things progress. Currently I am trying to do one night of Curology and one 2 nights with essential oils. But that’s a topic for another time.
In conclusion: I love Curology! I think it’s a great idea and a great company. I have easy access to my skincare provider and ask questions and update my formula. It’s great for someone who’s kind of lazy like me or for those too busy to schedule regular dermatologist appointments (I think that’s just about every working girl and guy). But what’s even better about it is it’s a great quality affordable solution. You have two package options $25 a month with shipping or $40 for a two months supply (you basically get free shipping that way). If you do not have access to a dermatologist this is great solution- of course depending on your skincare concern- but if its acne or anti aging, then this it! If you can go to a dermatologist (probably best to go see one if you have very serious acne problems) I think this is still a great option and maybe one you can try before going the doctor route. Skin care is expensive. Dermatologists are expensive. But let’s face it- for most people beauty costs- and Curology is a solid option to alleviate both the cost and time burden needed to keep us beautiful.
After Photos:
**Disclaimer: Now for the fun legal part. I purchased Curology with my own funds and this review is not sponsored. These are my personal thoughts. There may be links and ads on my website from which if you make a purchase I will get paid.