How to Fix Broken Makeup
We spend so much money on cosmetics and then when we drop and break them, it can make you heart slightly hurt! So whether it’s blush, compact powder, or eye-shadow, the fix below can solve it all! Its super simple, very cheap and works overnight! I have done this, so I know it works!
How I discovered this Trick…
I was getting my Master’s degree in the Netherlands and I went back to the U.S for Christmas break. On my break I bought a limited edition blush from MAC (Giggly). I went back to the Netherlands and I was getting ready for school one morning, dropped the blush and it shattered on the bathroom floor! I was devastated! But of course I was also running late and had to collect whatever powder I could salvage, drop it into the compact and leave. I ended up throwing away a lot of product because I couldn’t get all of the powder off of the floor. If you are thinking that’s gross, don’t worry the rubbing alcohol sterilizes the powder so you are safe to use it!
I was very upset as you can imagine, one because it wasn’t cheap and two because it was a limited edition product that I was only using for the second time. So when I got home from class I spent some time on Google and came up with this solution. I have written out what I did, but have found two other ways that are slightly different and put them below. Check it out!
What you need:
- Rubbing Alcohol (at least 73% in strength)
- Butter Knife or Spoon
- Small Glass bowl or shot glass or drinking glass works
- Glass (like a drinking glass, shot glass may be best)
What to do:
- Collect all loose broken powder that fell out and put it into the glass bowl
- Take the butter knife and scrape out all of the remaining powder from the compact into the glass bowl with the rest.
- Use the butter knife or spoon or if you have some other implement for crushing things use that, to crush up all of the powder in the bowl into a fine powder.
- After this add a capful (use cap from the rubbing alcohol bottle) of rubbing alcohol and start stirring the powder turning it into a paste. Start with one capful and add more as needed. Be careful though, you do not want the mixture to become too watery, you just want a paste.
- Once the paste has been well mixed use the butter knife to scoop out the mixture and place it carefully back into the compact molding it into the compact as you do it.
- Let it sit for 15 minutes
- Once some of the alcohol has evaporated take that shot glass, another kind of glass or something clean with a flat surface and press in the top of the powder in the compact to make it flat like it was originally.
- Let compact sit open over night for the alcohol to evaporate and voila! Your powder is good as new!
There are two videos below showing alternative methods that you can use! The method above is what I used and works better if you drop and spill your powder on the floor or counter. If you break your powder, and it falls out of the compact its very hard to put back into the compact in its powder form. You will make a mess for sure and loose a lot of product along the way.
- If your powder didn’t fall out of the compact use this video
2. If your powder fell out of the compact this is the better option