How to get a FREE lipstick from MAC
What you need is 6 empty containers of MAC products. It doesn’t matter which kinds of products, it can be their cream, or blush or an empty lipstick. And of course they do not need to be empty if it’s an item that you got as a gift and rarely used or an item that you no longer like and want to turn it in, that works too!
You take your 6 empty containers to any MAC store or counter near you and you get a FREE- yes you read that correctly- a FREE lipstick from one of the classic ones. That means basically any of the black tube lipstick that MAC normally sells. You can pick out what color you want and you receive it for FREE right then and there. You don’t have to pay the tax on it or anything.
What is that you say? You say you don’t live anywhere near a MAC store or counter. Don’t fret, you can also mail your empty containers to the address below after filling in the online form picking 3 colors of lipstick that you would like in order of preference. Once MAC receives your empty containers then they will send you the lipstick to your address. Read all the details here.
Now on the website they have a specific list of products that qualify, however if you are turning the products back into a store I believe the range is much more vast.
International readers
I believe you can send these into one of the addresses below as well and the same applies. Though you do have to pay for the shipping to send your empties in. However, if you go into the MAC site for your country I think they may have an in country address that you can send these to, to avoid paying for international shipping. With the prices of MAC products, and I do love their products, I think it’s absolutely worth it.
I just turned in 6 empties (2 lipsticks, a black track gel liner, lip-gloss, blush) and got my free Crème Cup lipstick and I am in love! I wanted a pinky nude lipstick and was about to buy one when I remembered that I just finished my freckle tone MAC lipstick and now had 6 empty containers lying around.
Recycle its good for the planet and MAC says thank you with a new lipstick!
Address for shipping:
US Residents Mail to:
7603 Trade Port Drive
Louisville, KY 40258
Canadian Residents Mail to:
Attention: Customer Service
550 Petrolia Road
Toronto, Ontario M3J 2W3
**Disclaimer: Now for the fun legal part. I am not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned above. These are my personal thoughts. Some affiliate links and ads may appear on my site, and if you purchase something through those I will be paid. ts.